Last Saturday, February 25th, EcoReach participated in the Boy Scout Advance-a-Rama held on the UGA’s campus. Advance-a-Rama is an opportunity for Boy Scouts to earn one of over fifteen merit badges all in a single day. Advance-a-Rama occurs twice a year and has been held in Athens for over thirty years. Professors, students, and members of the Athens community teach classes specifically designed for Boy Scouts, such as Swimming, Fly-fishing, Personal Fitness, Law, and more.
For the third year in a row, EcoReach hosted the Environmental Science Merit Badge for Advance-a-Rama. Over the course of the day, the Scouts learned about a wide range of issues in environmental science, including: the history of environmental science, environmental science terminology, types of pollution, erosion, pollination, environmental impact statements, conservation, and careers in environmental science.
One of the highlights of the day was taking a walking trip to Tanyard Creek and seeing some water pollution in action. We were also able to brainstorm ways in which we could restore the stream. Everyone had a great time!
Emily and Carter presenting on environmental science terminology. Michelle and the Scouts discussing the effects of erosion on Tanyard Creek. Looking for stream macroinvertebrates!