On Saturday, September 30, EcoReach attended the 34th annual Insectival, hosted at the Georgia Botanical Gardens. With the purpose of inspiring curiosity and dispelling fear of insects, the Athens Insectival includes activities for kids to explore insects by going to presenter booths, a puppet show and a butterfly release. The event is sponsored by the State Botanical Garden of Georgia, UGA Lund Club, UGA Department of Entomology and Georgia Museum of Natural History.

EcoReach’s booth was all about caddisflies and their lifecycle. Kids had the opportunity to start by drawing their own caddisfly and then build their own caddisfly casing out of a toilet paper roll and decorating it with construction paper, markers and pipe cleaners to represent the pebbles that caddisfly larvae use to build their own underwater pebble casings.

Kids were able to leave the EcoReach booth with their own caddisfly larvae and a home for them to live in, having learned more about a new insect and their unique way of going through metamorphosis.
Thank you to everyone who came out and volunteered with us!
Interested to find out about upcoming programs and opportunities with EcoReach? Email us at ecoreachuga@gmail.com for more information!