To find more information or photos of the event go to Athens Water Festival | Athens-Clarke County, GA – Official Website (
EcoReach had the chance to bring multiple booths to the Athens Water Festival this year!
Past/Present/Future of Water
All About Daphnia!
The Past/Present/Future of Water booth discussed how the water we use today is the same water the dinosaurs used! We went into detail about how turtles, crocodiles, birds, and dragonflies use water and some of the threats they might face. Attendees received booklets and stickers as learning aids.
Dr. Alex Strauss took students on a scientific journey with the All About Daphnia! booth. Students learned about field sampling, microorganisms, and aquatic food webs. This booth included a look into microscopes to inspect real daphnia and other life in pond water!

Click on the following images to see pdf versions of the turtle, crocodile, bird, and dragonfly booklets!
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