This spring, EcoReach stayed busy working after UGA classes were out! We visited Hilsman Middle School in Athens for their bi-annual career fair!

Every semester, EcoReach visits Hilsman Middle School. We always speak with the 6-8th graders in the Family and Consumer Science classes and Agricultural Science classes.

On May 14th, EcoReachers Kelsey, Mia, and Kaylee visited Hilsman Middle School and taught the students all about Ecology careers. Ecology is the study of interactions among organisms and their environment. Ecologists can work in K-12 schools, colleges/universities, laboratories, government offices, and much more! Ecologists can also study many different organisms all over the world!
We always have a great time teaching the students about Ecology, our research, and why we became Ecologists. Anyone can be an ecologist, and EcoReach hopes to increase representation and access to careers in Ecology.